
What Google Polymer Means for You

September 14, 2015

The Story of Google Polymer Google Polymer has seen an overhaul recently, which changes the way that it performs and the way that it uses system resources. Polymer, at its core, is the equivalent of an SDK for the internet, which assists with web application development through the use of Web Components, a new standard….

Blog Post. Online Tools to Run a Design Studio

Online Tools to Run a Design Studio

January 23, 2015

Every design studio needs to have a set of tools to use for their work. This includes everything from accounting tools and project management tools to the actual programs that they utilize when they are doing their work. With so many different types of apps and programs on the market, it can be next to…

Is UX Better Than Marketing?

November 24, 2014

Introduction There has been a lot of debate around user experience (UX) and marketing lately. Some people argue that UX is a part of marketing and vice versa. Others argue that UX and marketing perform overlapping functions. Whether this is the case or not, we have to accept that UX and marketing are both crucial…

Top 8 Signs Your Site Is Outdated

July 29, 2014

Overview Having an updated site is a huge part of giving users the ultimate user experience. For instance, your site users can’t enjoy using your site if the pages load slowly because of outdated features in your site. Also, unresponsive sites are downright outdated since they aren’t up-to-date with the mobile devices most people are…

6 Effective User Design Tips for Inciting User Emotion

June 25, 2014

Overview: User design for inciting emotion For more than a decade, web designers have focused solely on logical design factors i.e. meeting web standards, choosing layouts & fonts, organizing navigation, etc. Design, however, is evolving at a very fast pace. The focus has shifted to inciting user emotion. Web designers are focusing more on creating…

Why Marketers Should Care About UX

May 28, 2014

Overview User experience refers to any interaction potential or existing customers have with a brand. Although user experience is a relatively new concept to many people today, the concept has proven to be very important in online business. In the recent past, user experience was confined to web design. Today, the concept spans to on-page…

User Experience Is The New Differentiator

May 13, 2014

Overview The nature of the internet is changing as businesses demand better experiences for their users/customers. This has been fueled by changes in the location of the people who drive business. Almost all businesses today across all industries have an online presence i.e. websites, social media accounts, forums, blogs e.t.c. The most important business issue…

Increase User Retention With A Better User Experience

April 29, 2014

Introduction Convincing users to download your app isn’t as difficult as convincing them to use the app for a prolonged time period. According to recent studies, only 10-20% of users use apps on their devices a few months after downloading them. This simply means that user experience is more important in getting users to use…

Blog Post. 3 Ways to Improve UX by Content Alone

3 Ways to Improve UX by Content Alone

January 6, 2014

When you think of User Experience Design, the word “design” might create the notion that UX is 100% design related. While it is certainly a major factor, there are other elements such as copy and content which can easily make or break the experience of your users. Putting all of your attention into design elements…

Blog Post. The Top 5 Usability Myths

The Top 5 Usability Myths

July 30, 2013

When it comes to technology, there are various guidelines that are essential for good user experience. This includes accessibility, user interface, information architectures and usability. UX design is the ultimate human vs. computer interaction where certain methods and techniques are employed to produce a desired, predictable and well-executed result. Accessibility, user interface, information architectures and…