Mobile Traffic at glance (by AdMob)

A few days back, AdMob published a very interesting report on market share of various mobile OS and smartphones. The data suggests that Apple's dedication to user experience results in higher app approval and user adoption rates. The report is a great read but for those that don't have time here are the highlights:

Smartphone Traffic by Manufacturer - Worldwide

  • Apple - 50%
  • Nokia - 24% (Mainly from India, Indonesia, Philippines and South Africa markets where Nokia has 89% of the market)
  • HTC - 12%
  • RIM - 7%

Smartphone Traffic by OS:

  • Apple OS 50%
  • Symbian OS - 25% (Mainly from India, Indonesia, Philippines and South Africa markets where Nokia has with 89% of the market)
  • Android OS - 11%
  • RIM  OS - 7%

United States Data by Manufacturer

  • Apple - 55%
  • HTC - 22%
  • RIM - 12%

Smartphone Traffic by OS:

  • iPhone OS - 55%
  • Android - 20%
  • RIM OS - 12 %

It is interesting that Apple's traffic comes from only 2 devices - iPhone and iPod. Android traffic comes from 9 devices currently available worldwide. RIM traffic is a result of their current 11 smartphones and probably some past models.