FireWorks Resources

Agreements & Documents Icon Set Preview
Here is a sneak preview of a new icon set we are designing currently. The set will includes about 9 icons and be most probably available for free download in November.
Adobe FireWorks Resources
We mostly use FireWorks for UI design and believe that it’s the best tool on the job. Despite obvious Adobe indecisiveness on what to do with it and the absence of any serious updates or bug fixes FireWorks is still the most powerful and useful app when it comes to web/GUI design. Here is a…

How To Improve Fine Strokes In Fireworks CS6
FireWorks’ Stroke feature gives the user three basic options: align to outside, align to center and align to inside. On top of that you can use Photoshop Live Effects Stroke with those same basic options. With simple rectangular shapes there is no visible difference but not all of them rendered equally elegant results when used…